Axolotls can be used to efficiently screen chemicals for toxicity and effects on tissue regeneration. This database reports chemicals that were screened using an axolotl embryo tail regeneration model. Chemical outcomes on tail regeneration were classified as either inhibitory, non-inhibitory, or toxic, and chemicals that were validated in a second screen are noted. The database can be searched using a chemical's name, structure (SMILES), molecular weight (ML), or bioactivity.
For more details about the chemical screening project, click here.
To learn how to perform the axolotl embryo tail regeneration assay, click here.

Search for Identifier/Chemical Name/Molecular Weight/SMILES/Vendor or Source/Bioactivity:   
Example Query:
Chemical Name = Romidepsin
SMILES = C\C=C1\NC(=O)[C@H]2CSSCC\C=C\[C@H](CC(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N2)OC(=O)[C@@H](NC1=O)C(C)C
MW = 540.69
Bioactivity = Histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDAC)
Outcome = Inhibits tail regeneration at 10 uM
Validated = Yes

Assembly V4.0: The A. mexicanum transcriptome has been deep sequenced (15,000,000 Roche 454 short sequence reads and 50K Sanger reads) and assembled. The resulting assembly V4.0 can now be BLAST searched here. Approximately 89.9% of the 14 million high quality sequences were assembled into contigs with a total length of 542 Mb.

Salamanders have served as model organisms for more than a century. A majority of the earliest embryological and morphological analyses of vertebrate development were conducted using salamander embryos. Today, salamanders continue to be the best animal models for several areas of research and a new generation of researchers are adopting salamanders – and in particular the laboratory axolotl - as their primary animal model.  

Salamander Research Network : A Slack Workspace has been setup to facilitate communication among salamander researchers. If you have not already signed up, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an invitation to join!


Fun Facts

What do axolotls eat?

Axolotls eat worms, insects, small fish, and just about anything else that can fit inside their mouth and swallow whole, including other salamanders.

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